Walk against violence in Rawson Nov 25
As part of the Remembrance Day Ceremony held on Sunday 10 November at the Erica Memorial Public Hall, a tribute was paid to a former Walhalla and Moondarra resident, James Moloney.
Testing opportunities in Latrobe City include: Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium drive through, Ashby St, Traralgon, Monday 11 October-Thursday 14 October 9.30am-4.00pm No appointments required. Clinical Labs Traralgon, Monday-Friday 7.30am-3.30pm. Appointments required. Phone 5174 0285. Latrobe Valley Respiratory Clinic, Morwell. Monday-Friday 8.00am-6.00pm and Saturday 9.00am-12pm. Appointments required. Phone 5191 9321 or go to https://bit.ly/3Fbd8eH LCHS –…
Thanks to some great lobbying by a group of local parents with help from Jodie at 1914 Cafe, local Councilor Michael Leaney, Gary Blackwood MP and Harriet Shing MP, the Rawson school bus will continue to operate. The decision to retain the service was announced by Public Transport Minister Melissa Horne earlier today.
Three new COVID positive cases have been recorded in Baw Baw Shire today. There are now 12 active cases across the shire. Two new cases are listed in in the 3821 postcode and one in 3823 postcode. (Health Department data) There are no new exposure sites listed in the shire as yet. However, Trafalgar IGA…
Gippsland Region Public Health Unit A new positive COVID-19 case has been identified in Latrobe City. This brings the total active cases in Gippsland to 10. Two new Tier 2 Exposure Sites are associated with this case. This brings the total exposure sites in Gippsland to 11. * Cotton On, Traralgon Centre Plaza Tuesday 21…
THREE NEW TIER ONE EXPOSURE SITES The Gippsland Region Public Health Unit has advised of a new tier one exposure site in Warragul, at Pet Stock, across the following times: Wednesday 29 September, 7.00am – 4.30pm Thursday 30 September, 7.00am – 12.30pm The unit has also identified two new tier one exposure sites in the…