Walhalla’s Board of Management seeks new Members.

THE Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, on behalf of the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, is seeking expressions of interest from motivated members of the community to nominate for a 12-month appointment to the Walhalla Board of Management Incorporated.

Successful applicants will join existing members of the Walhalla Board of Management Incorporated in managing valuable community assets and providing a key service to the wider community.

This committee is made up of volunteers who are responsible for guiding the management, protection and development of key assets and facilities in the Walhalla township area. This includes the Long Tunnel Extended Gold Mine, Chinese Gardens Campground and historic Post Office.

Applicants will be shortlisted based on their skills, expertise and knowledge in one or more of the following areas:

Marketing tourism and Media

Community Engagement

Stakeholder Management

Volunteer / Employee Management

Secretarial, Admin and Grant


Financial Management

Business / Strategic Planning

Building and Asset Management

Expression of Interest forms are available by contacting Matt Kelly on 0436 616 643, or email matthew.kelly@delwp.vic.gov.au.

Alternatively, applications can be made through ‘Join a Public Board’ at https://www.boards.vic.gov.au/ where you need to register an account to make an application.

Expressions of Interest close 5pm, Friday, July 15,

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