Walhalla Railway elects Committee.
fROM Cr. Michael Leaney fb
More than 60 local residents received the 2021 Influenza vaccination at the Rawson Community Health Centre’s ‘drive though’ session on 28 April. The Erica SES had opened their garage doors to make that very convenient ‘sit in your car’ arrangement possible. No further sessions are planned for Rawson, so if you missed out, talk to…
From Walhalla fb page 11am Th 25 March: “If anyone is wondering, we’ve had 87.9mm of rain since Monday. It’s still pretty damp out there but some patches of blue sky appearing now.”
TELSTRA has begun rolling out its 5G network in the Latrobe Valley and has completed upgrades at a number of mobile tower sites in Moe, Morwell and Traralgon. Customers will need a 5G capable device and a plan including 5G connection to use the 5G service. Telstra’s network upgrade will also improve their 4G capacity…
Dan Andrews October 6 at 2:09 PM · This is a rapid antigen test – and it’s going to be one of the keys to getting us back to doing the things we love most. They’ve just been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration – so we’re ordering over two million of them as we change the way we manage…