Traralgon COVID Exposure locations and Test sites

From Latrobe City

The Department of Health and Human Services have released advice that a person who has tested positive to COVID-19 has visited a number of locations in Gippsland during their infectious period – from Sunday 22 to Tuesday 24 August.
There are two, Tier 2 Exposure Sites that have been identified associated with this confirmed case:
πŸ“Coles, Traralgon Centre Plaza – 22 August 11.45am – 12.05pm
πŸ“Traralgon Centre Plaza Foodcourt Eastern End – 27 August 11.10 – 11.15am
It is important to note that the case acquired the virus from outside the region.
Anyone who visited a Tier 2 exposure site during these times should urgently get a COVID-19 test and isolate until they receive a negative result. Continue to monitor for symptoms, get tested again if symptoms appear.
Check Exposure Sites regularly at
Additional testing resources have been established to assist with demand.
Latrobe City Council is working closely with the Gippsland Regional Public Health Unit, Latrobe Regional Hospital and Latrobe Community Health Services, to establish a pop-up, drive-through testing site in the carpark of the Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium, Catterick Crescent, Traralgon.
Testing site operating hours:
Drive-through sites, no appointment needed, no referral required.
πŸ“Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium – drive-through 3.30pm – 6.30pm today, Sunday and 9.30am – 5pm Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
To access this drive-through clinic, please follow traffic management signage and enter from Kosciusko Street turning into Catterick Crescent following the crescent around to the carpark entrance.
πŸ“Dorevitch at Latrobe Regional Hospital – drive-through 12pm today, Sunday 29 August.
If you are experiencing any symptoms, including fever, flu-like symptoms such as coughing, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath, or loss of taste or smell, please get tested and stay home until you receive a negative result.
If you have been to an exposure site, have been in close contact with someone who might have COVID-19 and have been directed to quarantine, or feel unwell do not go to a vaccination appointment. You are permitted to seek urgent medical care under any of these circumstances, however attending a vaccination appointment is not considered urgent medical care under the public health guidelines.
Please wait until you receive a negative COVID-19 test result and have completed your quarantine period before getting vaccinated and help keep Latrobe City safe.
For more information about the support available to you during isolation and quarantine visit

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