Third COVID Doses available in Rawson
Smaller, shorter, lighter bales of hay for the (usually) smaller, shorter and lighter ‘girlies’ who have to feed their four legged get-away companions. Weather permitting, the baler will be popping out these $5 take-away treats in an Erica paddock on Monday. Head up the hill form Erica towards Rawson. For more details head to Linda…
RAWSON Cricket Club looks set to return to the field this season. The Kookaburras haven’t played competitive cricket since 2018, but have found an ally to help them get a team on the park for 2021-22. Yallourn North Cricket Club has arranged to loan a number of players to Rawson each week. The plan is…
Darren Chester I can confirm a media report this morning that I’ve decided to take a break from organised meetings, events and activities in The Nationals Federal Parliamentary party room. I will re-assess my position when Federal Parliament resumes in October. To be clear, I continue to support the Coalition Government but want some time…
Local History, local people recognised, history and humour. Get yours at local Post Offices or subscribe!
TELSTRA has begun rolling out its 5G network in the Latrobe Valley and has completed upgrades at a number of mobile tower sites in Moe, Morwell and Traralgon. Customers will need a 5G capable device and a plan including 5G connection to use the 5G service. Telstra’s network upgrade will also improve their 4G capacity…
Next Sunday morning 3rd October 2021, at 2am, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS begins. Clocks go forward 1 hour. Check your smoke alarms and give them a dust off. If a smoke alarm is approaching 10 years old, arrange a replacement! Smoke alarms have a limited life and must be replaced every 10 years.