Fwd: Erica – Rusks Road planned burn at 2.5km SW of Erica

Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMVic) and Country Fire Authority (CFA) advise that the Erica – Rusks Road planned burn, located at 2.5km SW of Erica is now in progress. Planned burning crews are currently lighting this burn – flames and smoke may be visible. This process will take a few hours for small burns and…

New Cafe in Tyers

Tyers new Hot & Fresh Cafe, opens on Monday 22nd of March at 9am. There is an invite to pop in and enjoy a complimentary Indian tea, snacks and have a chat with the friendly staff. A Full menu of Hot & Fresh food will also be available on the day. Award winning pies and…

Earth Festival at Coopers Creek 2 – April

The Earth Festival 2021 event will be held at Coopers Creek April 2nd to 4th. Pre-booked admission only. 300 tickets available from earthmusicfestival.com    “Earth Festival returns to the beautiful and historic West Gippsland township of Coopers Creek. A once thriving mining town located along the pristine Thompson River, long since abandoned but not forgotten. Our…