Join the fight, earn the reward
If we get to these levels of immunization, we get rewarded with
If we get to these levels of immunization, we get rewarded with
Today’s initial quake was about 50km North of Rawson and about the same distance from Mansfield. There have been three significant aftershocks (details below) and many smaller tremors. Further major shocks are possible, but it is more likely the area will experience a series of small events while the terrain in the surrounding area settles….
We are looking to fill the below positions. Mostly weekend work, casual hours. If you can work unsupervised, use your initiative and have good work ethics pls send your resume to
Next Sunday morning 3rd October 2021, at 2am, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS begins. Clocks go forward 1 hour. Check your smoke alarms and give them a dust off. If a smoke alarm is approaching 10 years old, arrange a replacement! Smoke alarms have a limited life and must be replaced every 10 years.
Victorian Department of Health “Congratulations, Victoria. More than 80 per cent of us aged 16+ are now fully vaccinated and we thank each and every one of you for playing your part. Let’s keep encouraging those who are eligible to protect their family and community, so we can hit our next double dose milestone of…