Have your say about Community Services in Erica, Rawson and Walhalla

Have Your Say on Mobile Services for Erica, Rawson and          Walhalla

Direct Link: Have Your Say on Mobile Services for Erica, Rawson and Walhalla (bawbawshire.vic.gov.au)

Council is seeking feedback from residents in the Erica, Rawson and Walhalla area on what mobile services they currently use and what services they would like to see in the future. These services include Council run services (library, public meeting spaces, maternal and child health), State run services (schools and health) and Federal services such as Centrelink. 

Following this consultation opportunity, Council Officers will prepare a report for Council that includes recommendations on which Council services should be provided in the region, and which State/Federal, or private services should be advocated for by Council on behalf of the community.

Tell us your feedback

Let us know which services you currently use, where you use them, and which services you’d like to see in the future by completing the survey below. 

Complete the survey by downloading and sending us this hard copy(PDF, 837KB), by clicking on the link below or using the online form. This consultation opportunity is open until 5pm Monday 1 November 2021. 

Click here to have your say, or use the form below.

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