Erica Expo This Saturday

Join in the fun, 11:30am to late. Save time and don’t miss out, pre-purchase your entry.
* As this is a ticketed event arranged in conjunction with Baw Baw Shire Council; please remember all patrons need to be double vaxxed and show appropriate proof on entry 📱
* Please, if you have been advised to isolate, or are a close contact of a positive case, or are feeling unwell, stay home, get rest and get better
* Tickets are available for pre purchase via eventbrite/erica country expo, so please make sure you have purchased before the event. Tickets will be made available online at the gate via your device if required
* Parking will be available at Mill Park and is being coordinated by Mt Erica Lions Club for a gold coin donation. Please proceed down Henty St for signs and direction 🚗 🚙
Its going to be amazing 🎪

May be an image of text

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