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Ducking the issue?
Dame Duck explaining to a group of ‘decision makers’ the realities of life in Walhalla. (Photo ex Walhalla)
From Mt Rivers Tourism: “Due to the unknown times and current Covid lockdowns and closures, we have been left with no option but to POSTPONE (not cancel) the Expo to January 15th 2022. A delay, yes, but not cancelled. And gives us all something to look forward to. Thank you for everyone’s understanding.
Rawson Project Opening
The Official Ministerial Opening of the Rawson Skate and RV Parking project is planned for Saturday 21 August at 11am. More information to come.
Thomson Times Returns
The Erica and District Historical Society Inc has formed a new editorial team to continue publication of the Thomson Times. Future issues will have a larger A4 page size and include Historical Society content. There will be six issues per year, with distribution of the next planned for mid May. Content from community members is…
October Thomson Times and Tall Timber Tales now available.
The October Issue of “The Thomson TimesĀ and Tall Timber Tales” is now available from the Erica and Rawson General Stores, the Rawson Community Health Centre, the Walhalla Post Office and the Historical Society rooms on Wednesdays. Cost is $2, or see details of how to subscribe in this month’s issue. Content in this issue…
Vaccination Centres Changing Open Hours – Check Your Spot Here
We are decreasing operating hours at some community vaccination centres. If you have an appointment scheduled at a community vaccination centre that will now be closed at the time of your appointment, you will receive a phone call or text message from the GRPHU. You are welcome to re-book your appointment to a different time/day…