Cotton On and QBD Books new T2 Exposure Sites in Traralgon

A new positive COVID-19 case has been identified in Latrobe City.
This brings the total active cases in Gippsland to 10.
Two new Tier 2 Exposure Sites are associated with this case. This brings the total exposure sites in Gippsland to 11.
* Cotton On, Traralgon Centre Plaza
Tuesday 21 September, 9.45am – 11.30am
* QBD Books, Traralgon Centre Plaza
Tuesday 21 September, 11.00am – 11.30am
A full list of current exposure sites in Gippsland is listed below.
A reminder that some Tier 2 venues may not be published on the Department of Health website. This means these sites represent lower risk exposures, or they have sufficient record keeping and contact tracing measures in place, or are not attended by members of the public.
Only people who visited a Tier 2 Exposure Site only during the specified times are to get tested and stay home until they receive a negative result.
Tier 2 premises have either had confirmed cases visit during their infectious period or are sites where a confirmed case may have acquired their infection. This does not mean there is an ongoing risk associated with the premises. You can safely visit the site in line with current restrictions.
Testing sites;
• Gippsland Regional Indoor Sports Stadium, Traralgon drive through, 12pm – 5pm tomorrow, Monday 27 September. No appointments required.
• Dorevitch Pathology drive through at LRH, 9am – 1pm tomorrow, Monday 27 September. For bookings contact 5165 0800.
• Latrobe Valley Respiratory Clinic, Morwell. Appointments required.
• Warragul Respiratory Clinic. Appointments required.

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