Corona Jabs in Rawson on August 25th
Vaccinations for COVID19 will be available at the Rawson Community Health Centre on Wednesday 25 August. Places are limited, so BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL. Call the Centre on 5165 3236 to discuss booking your spot for the Rawson session.
School Bus seats available for others?
The Victorian Parliament’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee has commenced public hearings as part of its consideration of whether the School Bus program should be widened to make it easier for the general public to access the service in regional Victoria where public transport is less available. The Committee Chair Enver Erdogan said “We recognise there…
Storm Recovery Update, Walhalla meeting 12 Aug
Storm and flood recovery efforts continue around the Walhalla area in the wake of June’s severe weather events. Bushfire Recovery Victoria (BRV) is coordinating clean-up efforts, with Baw Baw Shire Council, Regional Roads Victoria (RRV), the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority (WGCMA) all involved in…
Telephone Alert Testing
Australia’s telephone warning system, Emergency Alert, is being improved to ensure you continue to receive important information during emergencies. As part of this process, the new system will be tested in Victoria on August 5 and August 6. If you receive one of these test messages (via SMS or an automated phone call), you do…
Telstra Phone Box calls now FREE!
Telstra announced today that local or national calls to a fixed line or Australian mobile from a Telstra payphone would no longer incur a charge. Future generations may never know the thrill of making a reverse-charges call to their parents after Telstra made its 15,000 payphones free!
Rawson Project Opening
The Official Ministerial Opening of the Rawson Skate and RV Parking project is planned for Saturday 21 August at 11am. More information to come.
Walhalla businesses nominated for Awards
Two Walhalla businesses have been nominated for the LCBTA’s “People’s Choice Awards” 2021. Both Walhalla’s Star Hotel [Accommodation Up to 15 rooms] and the Walhalla Goldfields Railway [Most Popular Tourism Attraction] made the final nomination list and after such a challenging 18 months, it would be great to see them both get a gong! YOU…
Erica Country Expo Sat 2 Oct
ERICA-COUNTRY-EXPO_A4_PR.pdf Join us on Saturday 2 October 2021 for the inaugural Erica Country Expo, where we’ll be celebrating all things Erica and the outdoors! There’ll be plenty of activities and entertainment for the whole family, so come along and have a great time, learn more about our beautiful region of Baw Baw and support local…