More COVID traces detected in Moe/Newborough/Trafalgar

Positive COVID-19 viral fragments continue to be detected in the Moe/Newborough/Trafalgar area. Anyone experiencing any flu-like symptoms, however minor, should get tested. Symptoms include fever, coughing, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath. Testing sites: • LCHS – Moe Senior Citizens Centre – walk-up, no appointments necessary. 9am-1pm Monday 20 September and 9am – 11am…

COVID Test Sites Saturday 18 Sept

Latrobe City testing sites: • Latrobe Valley Respiratory Clinic in Morwell has expanded capacity for testing. Clinic opening times and booking details at • Traralgon Recreation Reserve – drive through will be open 9.30am – 5pm tomorrow, Saturday 18 September. • Dorevitch Pathology –drive through at Latrobe Regional Hospital by appointment only, will be…


TRARALGON The Latrobe Valley in Gippsland has recorded one active case of COVID-19 COVID-19 commander Jeroen Weimar says the person works at two fast food restaurants in Traralgon. Thirty-six primary close contacts have been identified, and 33 have since tested negative to COVID-19. “Acquisition is underway, we have a pretty good line of inquiry back…