One Party, 19 households exposed to COVID

Weimar: Next few days critical when it comes to Latrobe City’s COVID outbreak 29/09/2021 Victorian COVID-19 response commander Jeroen Weimar was visiting COVID-19 testing sites today. photograph michelle slate Victorian COVID-19 response commander Jeroen Weimar said the next two or three days will be critical to determine any additionally significant coronavirus cases in Latrobe City….

Baw Baw was considered for lockdown, but escaped for now.

| DIGITAL EDITION | NEWS SPORT EVENTS SCHOOLS CLASSIFIEDS PHOTO SALES GET IN TOUCH MORE GO COVID-19 Response Commander Jeroen Weimar (left) gets a run down of the rapid testing clinic at Lardner Park from West Gippsland Healthcare Group operations manager Tania Piner this morning. Mr Weimar congratulated and thanked staff for their work. Baw…