VICTORIAN COVID update 21 Jan 2022
More than 60 local residents received the 2021 Influenza vaccination at the Rawson Community Health Centre’s ‘drive though’ session on 28 April. The Erica SES had opened their garage doors to make that very convenient ‘sit in your car’ arrangement possible. No further sessions are planned for Rawson, so if you missed out, talk to…
Perhaps the latest episode will be the last of the ‘Walhalla Walk’ series says presenter Michael Leaney. But the 109 episodes have created a seriously entertaining and informative series full of Walhalla secrets and highlights. A great way to walk explore the tracks and absorb the history of the Walhalla area. Find the last episode…
The October Issue of “The Thomson Times and Tall Timber Tales” is now available from the Erica and Rawson General Stores, the Rawson Community Health Centre, the Walhalla Post Office and the Historical Society rooms on Wednesdays. Cost is $2, or see details of how to subscribe in this month’s issue. Content in this issue…
Australia’s telephone warning system, Emergency Alert, is being improved to ensure you continue to receive important information during emergencies. As part of this process, the new system will be tested in Victoria on August 5 and August 6. If you receive one of these test messages (via SMS or an automated phone call), you do…
3815 has 3 active cases, 3816 has 10 active cases an increase of 1, 3818 has 54 cases an increase of 7, 3820 has 39 active cases an increase of 9, 3821 has 5 active cases a decrease of 1, 3822 remains with 1 active case, 3823 has 8 active cases an increase of 1,…
Don’t forget the charity cricket match is on this Saturday 22nd Jan at the Erica Reserve.. Arrive at 9.00 am to register to play, or 10.30 am to spectate. Campers v locals raising funds for the Erica & District CFA proudly run and organised by us! Donation buckets will be around – $5 to play…