CBD speed limits set to be reduced in Moe, Morwell and Traralgon

Speed limits will be reduced to 40 kilometres per hour across the central business districts of Moe, Morwell, and Traralgon to reduce road trauma and save lives.

The reduction from 50 km/h zones in high volume pedestrian and parking areas will improve safety for all road users, with the risk of death resulting from a collision decreasing by 60 per cent under the new limit.

Latrobe City Mayor Kellie O’Callaghan said it was an important change to keep our community safe. “Travelling at slower speeds costs you mere seconds in travel time and saves lives,” Cr O’Callaghan said. “The life or person we save from injury by following these new limits could be your own or that of a loved one. “Travelling slower gives drivers and pedestrians more time to watch out for each other and to react if a pedestrian suddenly steps onto the road or another driver enters the traffic way.”

Moe’s CBD is first in line for the new speed limit, with 40 km/h roadside signs to be erected soon. Morwell and Traralgon will follow.

Council received funding from the Victorian Government’s investment into the Safe Travel in Local Streets program in partnership with the Transport and Accident Commission (TAC) to implement this project. The works reflect the 2050 Vision Zero statement adopted by the Federal and State governments – a commitment to zero road crash deaths and serious injuries by 2050.

Other regional Victorian cities including Geelong, Bendigo, Wodonga and Shepparton have also adopted the new speed limit.

Moe 40km area

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