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Concrete Progress for Rawson Project
Rawson-Skate-Park-and-RV-Parking-Project-Fact-Sheet-5.pdf Fact Sheet 5 and photos showing progress of Surface works during May.
Cooper’s Creek Camp Crowded
Photos: DELWP, Coopers Creek camping area last Australia Day DELWP Gippsland 4h · Campers are being warned to keep access roads clear at Gippsland camping grounds during the public holiday period. Remember, emergency vehicles are often much larger than family cars, so avoid parking on narrow roads. Campers are also urged to have a back-up plan…
No more cross crossers on crossing?
After many years of carefully avoiding mud and puddles, the Rawson Primary School children will soon have a concrete pathway on both sides of their school crossing. If they still exist, the ‘Best Muddy Boot’ competition and puddle jumplng lessons will hopefully have to find new locations.
Cricket – Us v Them at Erica this Saturday
Don’t forget the charity cricket match is on this Saturday 22nd Jan at the Erica Reserve.. Arrive at 9.00 am to register to play, or 10.30 am to spectate. Campers v locals raising funds for the Erica & District CFA proudly run and organised by us! Donation buckets will be around – $5 to play…
Moondarra vehicle accident
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Mask and Vaccination rules change from tonight (Wed 15 Dec)
PROOF OF VACCINATION From 11:59pm tonight some proof of vaccination rules will be eased. People aged under 18 will no longer have to show their vaccination status to get into any venues. Mandatory vaccination rules will also ease in most retail settings, meaning people will no longer have to present proof of being fully vaccinated against…