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Walhalla’s North Gardens camping ground remains closed
Because the Victorian Government’s contact tracing regulations require attended check-in for verification of user details, Walhalla’s North Gardens camping ground remains closed until further notice.
Info Night – 2020 A4DE to be in Erica!
The Dandenong Motor Cycle Club (DMCC) will conduct the Australian Four Day Enduro (A4DE) in the Erica Forest District during May 2020. An information night will be held in the Erica Hall from 7:30 pm on Wednesday 27 November and will inform the community about how local groups can participate and fundraise.
Skating forward
Rawson’s new recreation area is now very dominant in the town centre. Earthworks and early concreting have given us part-time external supervisors some idea of what is being developed for locals and visitors. When finished in late June the $484 000 project will provide a multi-play activity area with recreational vehicle parking. Regional Development Victoria…
Know anything?
REC RESERVE BREAK-IN Last night the Willow Grove Rec Reserve was broken into. Extensive damage was done to the canteen window roller shutter and internal doors. Food was stolen from the storeroom, mains power shut off, and it appears the defibrillator machine has been taken too. This is extremely disappointing in an already tough year…
Walhalla Rebuilds Camp Grounds
Source: Walhalla Heaps of flood repair works underway at the moment. Good progress has been made on the Chinese Gardens camping area (still heaps to do) and the power to the North Gardens camping area has been reinstated and repaired and works will begin soon to shore up the creek embankment at this location. These…
Storm Recovery Update, Walhalla meeting 12 Aug
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