Only high risk Tier 1 sites will be listed

Not all Tier 1 exposure sites will be publicly listed….Why?
Tier 1 exposure sites may not be listed if all contacts are tracked down – if everyone there was identified and contacted quickly.
Listing dozens of exposure sites with very low risk of transmission can cause confusion, panic and unnecessary alarm. We are focussing the public’s attention on those where we believe there’s a true risk.
Tier 1 sites of concern, where not everyone has been accounted for quickly, will be listed. This is a form of public health announcement where the community is asked to act – isolate, get tested, follow advice from the Department of Health.
As COVID-19 is becoming more entrenched in the community, we understand it may become more common to see people finding out information from their employers, their friends or families and for themselves to share this information on various social platforms.
We acknowledge the proactive approach of some businesses who have had a positive case attend their site to make their community aware as a precautionary measure. This is exactly what it is, it provides an awareness that the community needs to remain vigilant – monitor for symptoms and continue practicing COVIDSafe behaviours more diligently. This is not an automatic direction to get tested and isolate.
People who are identified as a Primary Close Contact linked to a potential exposure site will be contacted by the Department of Health and given the necessary advice and information.
Of course, testing is also recommended for those experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, however minor.

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