Victoria to lock down from 11.59pm tonight Thurs 15 July

The whole of Victoria will move to a five-day circuit-breaker lockdown to help stop the spread of COVID-19 from 11:59pm tonight (Thursday 15 July).
There will be only five reasons to leave your home: shopping for necessary goods and services, caregiving or compassionate reasons, exercise, to receive a vaccination and work (if it is essential).
The following restrictions will be in place;
⭕ Exercise and shopping will be limited to a 5km radius from your home. If there are no shops within this distance, you will be able to travel to your closest one.
⭕ Face masks will need to be worn whenever you leave your home, both indoors and outdoors
⭕You won’t be able to have anyone visit your home and public gatherings are not permitted.
⭕Students of all ages will return to remote learning, unless they need onsite supervision as the children of essential workers.
⭕Childcare and kinder will remain open.
⭕Gyms, pools, community centres, entertainment venues and libraries will be closed.
⭕ Non-essential retail will close. Supermarkets, bottle shops, and pharmacies will remain open. Cafes and restaurants will only be able to offer take-away dining.
⭕Hotel and accommodation providers will be able to stay open to support guests already staying onsite. No new bookings can be made.
⭕Funerals will be able to proceed, with up to 10 attendees.
⭕Weddings cannot go ahead and will need to be postponed.
⭕Working from home will be mandatory, unless you are an essential worker.
If you have COVID related questions phone the COVID hotline 1800 675 398

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