Tourist Mine Re-opens Daily
Walhalla’s Long Tunnel Extended Gold Mine has reopened for tours after damage caused by the recent flood event has been repaired. The access road and parking areas were left damaged and strewn with debris by torrential rainfall.
The mine posted the following on their fb site
Hello everyone. Just putting this message out there for you all. The Long Tunnel Extended Mine is OPEN EVERY DAY and doing 3 tours for the school holidays. How good is that! We are running at least 3 tours everyday until school goes back in 2 weeks time. Come and join us on a tour, it might even wear the kids out while they are having fun underground! Think about the fact they should sleep better!
Tours go underground at 12 noon, 1.30 pm and at 3 pm. If there is a group of 10 or more we ask that you call us on 5165 6259 and we will arrange a special time just for you!
We are very grateful to our many wonderfully dedicated volunteers that are constantly helping us keep things together. Such as Kelvin. He has been driving up to Walhalla from the valley, spending days and days clearing away debris from tracks, filling in holes and leveling off other areas to make it safer for our visitors to walk along the tram-line track. Thank you Kelvin for helping us so much. Kelvin can be seen on the left reciting a poem to one of our visitors at the LTE mine.
Gordon Casey has been an enormous great asset to Walhalla in cleaning up, clearing, digging out, filling up, rolling and removing the trees, trash and rubble from main areas in town.
What about the power of nature with the spectacular colour of this fungi growing at the base of this tree which can be seen when you walk up the drive to the mine office. We are not quite out of the mud yet, so wear good solid footwear in the mine as there is a bit of mud (what fun kids!!) and water still laying about. The temperature is currently around 8.4c underground so we suggest you wear a coat and bring your cameras to get that magic picture! We are looking forward to seeing you there folks!