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Rawson Bric a Brac re-opens 25 Nov
Rawson Bric a Brac is reopening on 25th November 10am to 2pm. Lots of new items. Thanks to all for all your donations. Covid restrictions in place. Masks must be worn at all times in the building. Brand new Masks for Sale.
Latrobe Hospital ‘Low Risk’ COVID Exposure Site
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Erica Enduro returns Sat May 1
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Walhalla Railway elects Committee.
fROM Cr. Michael Leaney fb Yesterday I attended the AGM of the Walhalla Goldfields Railway. A small affair in person but with more members via zoom. The railway, unlike so many community organisations in recent times, actually needed an election for their board…more nominations than positions…which is in stark contrast to so many other community…
ANZAC Day 2021
ERICA: The Trafalgar/Thorpdale RSL will be conducting an Anzac Day Service outside the Erica Hall from 9.30am 1914 Cafe will serve morning tea after the service. Gold coin donation for morning tea. WALHALLA: Dawn Service at 6:00am at the War Memorial, Central Gardens, adjacent to Grey Horse Cafe. ABERFELDY: 11:00am at the Aberfeldy Cemetery, Donnelly’s Rd…