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Rawson Bric a Brac reopens with free BBQ on Australia Day
Despite COVID imposed restrictions, members of the Erica and District Historical Society have given their very popular Bric-a-Brac and Op-shop in Rawson a great new look. New displays, easier access and lots of new stock are on offer. The adjacent History Display area has also been refurbished and has some new and interesting exhibits. To…
Baw Baw Shire calls for more flood damage repair funding
Council calls for more storm relief support from State and Feds. Published on 15 November 2021 Baw Baw Shire Council has called on the State and Federal Governments to fulfil their promises and provide more support in the aftermath of the June storm events. Noojee and Walhalla in Baw Baw Shire’s north were both badly…
Skating forward
Rawson’s new recreation area is now very dominant in the town centre. Earthworks and early concreting have given us part-time external supervisors some idea of what is being developed for locals and visitors. When finished in late June the $484 000 project will provide a multi-play activity area with recreational vehicle parking. Regional Development Victoria…
Need your Booster Shot?
Or your 1st or 2nd or and COVID Vax? Get it in Rawson.
Our CFA has the skills when we need them.
Erica & District Fire Brigade Over the weekend there was a campaign launched that some of our followers might have seen. We feel it is necessary to address this with our community. Unfortunately the implication of this campaign is that CFA-serviced areas do not have access to skilled and professional firefighters. As followers of our…
All Access Toilet / Shower / Basin / Infant change Unit for Erica Caravan Park
From their facebook page: “So so so stoked ….. we had a 12 month plan ….. covid closure hit again so thought was lets try and bring this idea forward Amenities upgraded for HWS & benches … painting on its way and new flooring BUT With some perseverance (ok nagging harasment and pestering) we are…